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Scam: #20536

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/04/2020
  • Severity: 10

Tori Anne Rouse

SCAMMER, Thief, Psychopath

Wichita, Kansas

Tori Anne Rouse
Liar, Criminal, Narcissistic Psychopath, STD Patient
Wichita, Kansas
Tori Anne Rouse
Child Pornography
Wichita, Kansas
Tori Anne Rouse.


Have you heard of a Racist, Manipulative, Animal Abusing, Child Molesting Psychopath by the name of Tori Anne Rouse?
Also a liar, hypocrite, manipulator, Phony "victim," who causes trouble with everyone, but then when she has to face the consequences, she cries, whines, snitches, plays on everyone's sympathy and pretends to be the "victim."
In reality, this online bully is sad-ass COWARD.
Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Rouse aka Tori's Stories aka Tori Anne Davis.
Simply Google the sorry, pathetic bychh, Tori Anne Rouse.
Can you believe this woman has a "job" working with CHILDREN?
Yes. And the ONLY reason that ever happened is because this tech savvy jackass hacked the system in order to hide her criminal record.
Wonder how her co-dependent, pathetic, doormat husband feels about all the fallout of being married to this sloppy slob and evil monster (And the fact that they're going to continue to live in abject poverty because, once Ole Toxic Tori loses this job (And she WILL sooner or later lose this job), they're only going to have one income (Cannot imagine anyone hiring this CRIMINAL, in the future, once they Google her sorry ass. Now THAT can never be hidden).

Tori Anne Rouse is a TOXIC, MALIGNANT Narcissist.
These personality types are not in all cases highly intelligent (As in this case).
She's had so much practice, that she's good at PRETENDING SHE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ALL OF PROBLEMS SHE NOW HAS & getting people to report internet videos and posts of her, that expose her for who & what she REALLY is (And that's a shit-stirring, vindictive, raging psychopath). See, she's desperate to hide her ugly truth.
But it's wayyyy too late now.
The world now knows all about her.
She should have thought about that back when nobody knew her name or anything about her.
Back then, she's made several Illegal videos of someone and had slandered that someone.
One of her shit videos were simply removed for Violations of Copyright and defamation.
She could have just let it be and gone on with her pathetically unimportant life.
However, she was (And is delusional--she thought she could go off the deep end, do whatever the hell she wanted, make yet another slanderous video and continue her course of harassment.
But she wasn't smart enough to think that, the further she went, the more her personal info was revealed and that others would (Rightfully) jump to defend the person who she continued to make videos and posts about.
Now, her entire life is destroyed, because she was (And is a raging narcissistic psychopath who simply wouldn't let things be.
At the age of her mid twenties (Though she looks MUCH older and more haggard), her life is DONE.
She'll never be able to get a remotely decent job (And, sooner or later, she'll lose the one she has now).
What she doesn't realize is the person who she attacked, slandered, caused problems for, will never have to worry about such things :)
(Good things come to good people).
(By the way: The woman whom Toxic Tori Rouse has been stalking, slandering, harassing for years? Well this woman does have a record. And she's never made it secret. Yet Tori is SO STUPID and DULL, and she has nothing else to go on, so she loves repeatedly posting the woman's record online. Oooooh no, Tori! Ooooooo! OOOOOOO!
But, you see, the woman's record is a string of thefts and a self-defense case. Pretty boring and uncontroversial.
And most people in society have records and they talk about it freely.
SO THAT is not doing Toxic Tori any good.
You know that when someone uses anyone's arrest history these days, they're really grasoing at straws.
Is that all you've got, Tori?
Answer; Yes.
HOWEVER, ole Toxic Tori also has a record of her won.
But Toxic Tori's record is HEINOUS & CONTROVERSIAL. Child sex trafficking, animal abuse, child abuse, child pornography always are).
These days, even prospective employer (Heck, even a prospective date, neighbors, friends, family, group members, EVERYONE) Google someone's name before they allow them into their lives.
She can stick a fork in her FLABBY ass, because she's done.
Being evil never leads to good. It only leads to a life of hell.
even the gullible people who she does have fooled, will eventually tire of her daily whining and "victim" game and figure out what she really is.
DUMB-ASS bychhh.
She PRETENDS to be an "innocent party" in all of this. But, when she has to face the consequences and exposure of the trouble SHE's caused, suddenly cries and whines about being the so-called "victim" and plays on everyone's sympathy and gets them to feel sorry for her (ONLY because people are not aware of both sides of the story and so get played for fools and get manipulated into doing her bidding).
Personally, neither myself nor anyone else would ever want to go through life being an object of pity (Like ole Toxic Tori).

Sure, she'll come here and post yet another FALSE "comment," BUT IT'S ALL LIES.
Tori Anne Rouse having anything to say is like a homeless bum farting on a littered sidewalk corner.
No one should pay it any mind and none of makes any sense.

You know how Toxic Narcissistic psychopaths are.
They're always terrified of being exposed.
Well, TOO LATE, Toxic Tori....

Toxic Tori Rouse repeatedly comes to posts about herself and makes false assertions about some person by the name of Teresa having "wrote this about" her.
That's UNTRUE. And I know this because I'M the one who's written these things about her AND I'M NOT "Teresa."
I did read a report by an individual here who did state that Tori Anne Rouse has been posting False Allegations about her. Perhaps (This is my guess) this is the person Tori Rouse is talking about. And if so, then the person must be 100% correct-After all, look at the scary obsession Toxic Tori Rouse has with this individual.
---And, since you (Falsely) claim this person has posted these reports about you, then provide the PROOF, here.
Post your tangible proof here.
----What and Where is your evidence?

Toxic Tori,
True, I posted anonymously. But why aren't you coming for me? Is it because
1) Everything I've stated about you is true and factual?
2). You're too frightened to tangle with yet another person and your COWARDLY, SORRY ass can't handle another person?
3). This other woman is someone you THINK you can handle? (Although she probably has shown you a thing or two or more, so I have a hard time assuming you think you can handle her. More likely you're just absolutely obsessed with her and feel the urge to mention her name, in your false assertions, at least several times a day. And that, alone, PROVES THAT YOU'RE EVERY BIT THE STALKER).
---And then you mentioned taking action against her.
Do you realize
1). You have NO proof
2). She can COUNTER-FILE AGAINST you, COUNTER-SUE you, seek damages, legal fees, additional fees for ABUSE OF PROCESS, and so much more?
So, yeah, I hope you bring it on.

Stupid bychh, Tori Rouse, you prove, by your own hand, that everything posted about you is 100% true to the core.

Okay, puppet.
Now respond to this and dance on a string, some more....

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SCAMMER, Thief, Psychopath SCAMMER, Thief, Psychopath SCAMMER, Thief, Psychopath SCAMMER, Thief, Psychopath


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Who Scammed You Commenter
Teresa Violet Arasheben,

I have to post in several sections because whoscammedyou won't let me post all at once, so here it goes.

You claim that I am a "slanderer and defamer" but what have I lied about? When have I ever said anything wrong about you? When have I ever said something and not been able to back it up with evidence? I have always stuck to factual truths about you. I have brought up everything that can publicly be found, researched, and seen. No, your criminal record is not "boring and uncontroversial" stuff. How is stabbing a woman in the eye in prison and attempting to hit her eye uncontroversial? How is having solicitation to commit murder boring or uncontroversial? How about mayhem? Or assault with a deadly weapon? Those charges shouldn't come from an ex-boyfriend/self defense case. If it was, then how'd you get those charges to begin with? You are a violent person who has a temper, throws temper tantrums in real life, and online about anyone who so much as slightly aggravates you. You have no ability to regulate your emotions.

You continuously keep telling people to "simply google my name" but its funny because everything on google that's been written about me has been written by you Teresa. Everything was posted after February whenever you got access to my private address. I also find it funny how you stopped posting my private address now because you know that I'm moving so you can't violate my privacy anymore, but you are lying saying that you've moved when in reality, you're still in the same house you are currently in and just want me to believe you've moved.

Yes, I've done my research on you. No, I'm not obsessed or stalking you. Anyone in their right mind would research a person who has doxxed them, ACTUALLY slandered their name, and has the kind of felony charges that you do. I have to know what I am up against. I have to be prepared mentally and physically for what you may or may not be capable of or attempt to do to me.I also need information about you for lawyers because unlike you, I wasn't given a trust fund after my father's death. I've worked very hard for all the money I have. You say "good things come to good people" about your financial situation and how you don't have to worry about money. If your father dying and you being handed over a big trust fund from his death was the "good thing" that happened to you, then alright...You didn't do anything good to get that money or fund. You didn't do anything of valuable to this world to earn that money. It was handed over to you. That's not given to you because you were a good person. You just so happened to have had a parent who was rich and left you a lot of money when he died. I may never monetarily be as rich as you are, but I have much more valuable things like my husband, my cat, my family, my friends, and more. I don't place so much value on items and money like you. and actually, I'm not in poverty. We are in lower middle class :)
Who Scammed You Commenter

No, I don't have STDs. I can share my gynecology reports that are CLEAN if you'd like? That would debunk that REAL quick. I do have health conditions and how dare you stoop so low to try to degrade me or stigmatize that even more than it already is. I have HS and PCOS, which are two conditions that I did not cause and are genetically usually involved. It wasn't because of anything I did. That's so disgusting that you even thought it was okay to start saying that.

I'm not attempting to get sympathy. I am sharing my story and defending myself. You really can't think that you're allowed to go around attacking me, defaming me ( and actually defaming me) releasing my private address, calling me names, and attempting to ruin my life and then expect me NOT to speak about it publicly too. I know that your end goal is to destroy my career and life, but it's not going to work. No reputable business or agency would look at crappy written reposts about somebody and believe that over an actual background check, interview, and references. I don't have a criminal record, no matter how many times that you attempt to say that I do. You have never given any evidence to support any of those claims and it's a cop out to say that there's no evidence because I'm "tech savy" and "got rid of my records" when that's literally impossible. It must really bug you that I don't have a criminal record. That you have no real dirt on me.
Who Scammed You Commenter
Teresa Violet Arasheben,

I didn't cause any of this. I didn't make you viciously attack me and claim that I was a child predator on that youtube comment section back in 2017. I didn't make you create those fake accounts to do this to other people. I chose to defend myself in the best way that I knew how by making a video showing the screenshots of you and showing how I thought those accounts were fake and little did I know, I would have the evidence to prove that they were fake 3 years later because you're really not that intelligent when it comes to covering your tracks. You're real messy and sloppy. I have shown proof of those fake accounts in the 2 videos I posted this entire year about you on YouTube, which is why you try so hard to get those videos taken down and denounce me and not credible. I literally just told you to stop being hypocritical in that comment section because you were so nice to Trisha's face when you were making horrific mean nasty comments (which I have evidence of) preivous to meeting her and after meeting her and I called you out for being a hypocrite and you took it upon yourself to attack me horrifically instead of admit that you were in the wrong. You wanna claim freedom of speech, but then fail to realize that I too have the same rights as you and am allowed to make public comments in regard to your hatred as well. You chose to create 5 videos about me back to back in 2017 after all of that. You chose to then 3 years later copyright strike my video from 2017, reupload some of those videos, and then once you got access to my private address, post false defamatory remarks online about me, post my private address online, and open a huge can of worms that could have been prevented if you had just privately messaged me and asked me to remove that video from 2017 and I sure would have done that too. Instead, you chose to be immature, unstable, and hateful like the person you always will be.

You love to mention that I broke copyright laws, but I never have and my video that you copyright striked has been reinstated because I never have broken the law. You, on the other hand, have broken many laws between this from posting my private address publicly, uploading entire videos of mine, posting false information about me knowing that it is false, and more.You're not allowed to do whatever you want on YouTube and the internet and actually break laws and then just claim I am doing that when you don't have evidence to back it and I have real proof that you have done everything I've said you have done.
Who Scammed You Commenter
I don't stoop to your level and call you names, bully you, make fun of your "adversities" that you like to call them, make up false information about you, release your private information, post multiple false posts about you on different websites under fake names or anonymous posts, or any of the crap you do to me. Because I still see you as a human being. You don't give me the same courtesy. That's the difference between you and I. Although you've been absolutely nothing but nasty, mean spirited, and aggressive toward me, I've still tried to treat you like a human being through all of this.

I'm not going off on the "deep end" when I appropriately defend myself after you have continuously attempted to hurt me financially, personally, emotionally, and professionally. Going off the deep end is posting about someone on one website 29 times, 6 times on another, uploading over 30 videos on youtube at one point about someone, creating 2 fake tiktoks just to post about someone else on there, and repeatedly use your fake accounts to comment, dislike, and attack me online while posting those fake videos on those fake accounts. THAT IS going off the deep end, Teresa. Going off the deep end is posting my entire full private address after obtaining it through an email that YouTube sent you back in February and then acting like that's normal to dox someone.
Who Scammed You Commenter
You always mention that I will face the consequences of what I've caused and always mention that you're legally taking action. When? I know that you have the fiances to take legal action. So, why aren't you doing it? I know why! Because you've broken the law multiple times and in order to take me to court, the things I've said about you would have to be false! I have never written false posts about you. I wish that you were smart enough to realize that the posts that you blame me for were written years before I ever even came into contact with you in 2017. I have even attempted to show you how to see that the posts were written years before I knew you, but you don't listen or it doesn't fit your narrative about me so you just ignore it. You seem to do that a lot. Overlook the truth. Overlook the evidence. Deny facts. You do it in the court room, your personal life, and on the internet. You can attempt to counter-sue me all that your heart desires, but to my knowledge, I haven't broken the law. So, you have no case or else you would have tried that a long time ago.

To wrap everything up, Teresa, I think that all the evidence I need to prove that this is you who is writing these things about me is all right here on these posts alone. You claim that you're not Teresa, yet you still hide behind anonymous postings and claim to know a whole awful lot about me and about Teresa and our situation, don't you? You use the same images that you've used in multiple videos, thumbnails, tiktoks about me on these posts. You are using the same exact language that you've verbally used in your videos about me. No one i know calls people malignant psychopaths, narcissistic psychopaths, and so on as much as you do. You also repeatedly copy and paste the same posts about me over and over If I so much as make a comment about you on a post you've made about me, but you are going to deny that this is you? Come on. Prove yourself, Teresa. Start showing some evidence. it would be SO easy to prove that you're not Teresa by simply stating who you are and posting a photo of yourself with a sign or something to prove your identity, but you can't do that because we all know this is you.
Who Scammed You Commenter
Please stop spreading defamatory lies about me. Please stop saying I hurt my cat. Please stop saying I hurt or abuse children, in any capacity. Please stop spreading false information that I have STD's. Please stop attacking my husband and friend, who did nothing to you. Please stop posting videos and posts online about me. Please stop using anonymous accounts to do your dirty work. If you're going to be a bad person, then own up to it. Stop twisting everything I say to fit your narrative. Stop denying everything I say to you whenever everything I've said is proven with evidence.

If you want to believe that you're pulling the strings and I am your puppet, then go ahead. I'm not here to play your games. I am here to defend my name. I am hear to let you know that this is not okay. I know that you are going to copy and paste multiple different posts about me on this site now that I've commented defending myself. I can't care for my own mental health. It has greatly affected me in negative ways. I know that you don't care. How could you when you literally have told me to hang myself and said that no one would miss me and then right after that mentioned in a tiktok description that my father killed himself because of me. That kind of behavior right there shows me that you're incapable of feeling any empathy, remorse, or have any human decency. I know in reality that your end goal is to try to make me end up killing myself, destroy my career and make my life get ruined, or that someone else will seriously harm or kill me due to your allegations and false posts. That's truly the saddest part of it all. You have that much hatred in your heart. You know what my end goal is? To get you to stop doing this. To make you leave me alone. To get justify for the crimes you've committed against me. To prove my innocence. To bring justice to all of the other people you've done this to. That's all.

I may never legally be able to afford to get that justice in the way I want it to, but I know that at the end of the day, you go to bed and wake up miserable with yourself every day. You have so much anger, hatred, and malice in your heart. I know that you can't be happy. All the money in the world can't buy happiness. You are unable to feel love, compassion, empathy, or joy around you and that is why you act this way. That is why you attack others like this. That is why you feel the need to do this. You have to suck the life out of others in attempts to feel anything at all. I truly do feel sorry for you because I can't imagine how much of an empty cold shell you must feel. I really hope that you seek help Teresa. I hope that you seek closure from whatever hurt you to make you have to hurt others like this. I really do wish that you had been a good enough person to try to deal with this all privately, morally, and civilly, but you chose this path instead. I felt I had no choice but to explain myself, defend myself, and further share my side of the story. I no longer will do that anymore. I will not give you the sanctification knowing that it's bothering me.

I will continue to grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and I will take this experience and apply it to my life and take valuable lessons from it. I will continue to surround myself with light and love. I will continue to be happily married with my best friend I've been with for 10 years. I will continue to be surrounded by amazing friends and continue to have a social media presence. I will continue to be the person that I want to be.

you will never break me Teresa. I am worth more than any words you can throw at me. I am better than all of this. I will rise above this and know that God is preparing me for something greater in my future because of this. He's going to take this experience and turn it into something good. I hope that you can move on too. For your own sanity too. I know how much this has affected me mentally, so I'm sure it's taken its toll on you too. It no longer will for me. I refuse to give you that sanctification or power. This is it! I move on after this. I've said my peace. Say whatever else you wanna say about me. i'm done playing your games.
Okay, here's my multiple-part FACTUAL reply to your FALSE B.S., Toxic Tori Rouse:

Tori Anne Rouse:
Racist, Manipulative, Animal Abusing, Child Molesting Psychopath by the name of Tori Anne Rouse.
Liar, hypocrite, manipulator, Phony "victim," who causes trouble with everyone, but then when she has to face the consequences, she cries, whines, snitches, plays on everyone's sympathy & pretends to be the "victim."
In reality, this online bully is sad-ass COWARD.
Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Rouse aka Tori Anne Davis.
Simply Google the sorry, pathetic bychh, Tori Anne Rouse.
Can you believe this woman has a "job" working with CHILDREN?
(Technically she HAD that job. So what does that tell you?)
And the ONLY reason that ever happened is because this tech savvy jackass hacked the system in order to hide her criminal record.
Wonder how her co-dependent, pathetic, doormat husband feels about all the fallout of being married to this sloppy evil monster (And the fact that they're going to continue to live in abject poverty (Because with all these posts, Toxic Tori will never get a job again), they're only going to have one income.

Tori Anne Rouse is a TOXIC, MALIGNANT Narcissist.
These personality types are not always highly intelligent (As in this case).
However, they are always experts at SHIFTING BLAME & garnering peoples' sympathy.
She's had so much practice, that she's good at PRETENDING SHE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ALL OF PROBLEMS SHE NOW HAS & getting people to report internet videos and posts of her, that expose her for who & what she REALLY is (And that's a shit-stirring, vindictive, raging psychopath). See, she's desperate to hide her ugly truth.
But wayy too late now.
The world now knows all about her.
She should have thought about that back when nobody knew her name or anything about her.
Back then, she's made several Illegal videos of someone & had slandered that her.
One of her shit videos were simply removed for Violations of Copyright & defamation.
She could have just let it be and gone on with her pathetically unimportant life.
However, she was (And is delusional--she thought she could go off the deep end, do whatever the hell she wanted, make yet another slanderous video and continue her course of harassment.
But she wasn't smart enough to think that, the further she went, the more her personal info was revealed & that others would (Rightfully) jump to defend the person who she continued to make videos and posts about.
Now, her entire life is destroyed, because she was (And is a raging narcissistic psychopath who simply wouldn't let things be.
At the age of her mid twenties (Though she looks MUCH older and more haggard), her life is DONE.
She'll never be able to get a remotely decent job.
What she doesn't realize is the person who she attacked, slandered, caused problems for, will never have to worry about such things :)
(Good things come to good people).
(By the way: The woman whom Toxic Tori Rouse has been stalking, slandering, harassing for years? Well this woman does have a record. And she's never made it secret. Yet Tori is SO STUPID and DULL, and she has nothing else to go on, so she loves repeatedly posting the woman's record online. Oooooh no, Tori! Ooooooo! OOOOOOO!
But, you see, the woman's record is a string of thefts and a self-defense case. Pretty boring and uncontroversial.
And most people in society have records and they talk about it freely.
SO THAT is not doing Toxic Tori any good.
You know that when someone uses anyone's arrest history these days, they're really grasping at straws.
Is that all you've got, Tori?
Answer; Yes.
HOWEVER,Toxic Tori also has a record of her own.
But Toxic Tori's record is HEINOUS & CONTROVERSIAL. Child sex trafficking, animal abuse, child abuse, child pornography always are).
These days, even prospective employer (Heck, even a prospective date, neighbors, friends, family, group members, EVERYONE) Google someone's name before they allow them into their lives.
She can stick a fork in her FLABBY ass, because she's done.
Being evil never leads to good. It only leads to a life of hell.
Even gullible people who she does have fooled, will eventually tire of her daily whining & "victim" game & figure out what she really is.
DUMB-ASS bychhh.
She PRETENDS to be an "innocent party" in all of this. But, when she has to face the consequences and exposure of the trouble SHE's caused, suddenly cries & whines about being the so-called "victim" and plays on everyone's sympathy and gets them to feel sorry for her (ONLY because people are not aware of both sides of the story and so get played for fools & get manipulated into doing her bidding).
Personally, neither myself nor anyone else would ever want to go through life being an object of pity (Like ole Toxic Tori).

She'll come here to post yet another FALSE "comment," BUT IT'S ALL LIES.
Tori Anne Rouse having anything to say is like a homeless bum farting on a littered sidewalk corner.
No one should pay it any mind. None of it is true..
You know how Toxic Narcissistic psychopaths are.
They're always terrified of being exposed.
Well, TOO LATE, Toxic Tori....
Update 1:
Toxic Tori Rouse has repeatedly posted False comments & made False assertions about some person by the name of Teresa having "wrote this about" her.
That's UNTRUE. And I know this because I'M the one who's written these things about her AND I'M NOT "Teresa."
I did read a report by an individual here who did state that Tori Anne Rouse has been posting False Allegations about her. Perhaps (This is my guess) this is the person Tori Rouse is talking about. And if so, then the person must be 100% correct-After all, look at the scary obsession Toxic Tori Rouse has with this individual.
-And, since you (Falsely) claim this person has posted these reports about you, then provide the PROOF, here.
Post your tangible proof here.
-What and Where is your evidence?

Toxic Tori,
True, I posted anonymously (Originally. But not now).
Why aren't you coming for me? Is it because
1) Everything I've stated about you is true and factual?
2). You're too frightened to tangle with yet another person and your COWARDLY, SORRY ass can't handle another person?
3). Teresa is someone THINK you can handle? (Although she probably has shown you a thing or two or more, so I have a hard time assuming you think you can handle her. The reality is you're so obsessed with her & feel the urge to mention her name, in your false assertions, at least several times a day. And that, alone, PROVES THAT YOU'RE EVERY BIT THE STALKER).
-Then you mentioned taking action against her.
Do you realize
1). You have NO proof
2). She can COUNTER-FILE AGAINST you, COUNTER-SUE you, seek damages, legal fees, additional fees for ABUSE OF PROCESS, and so much more?
So, yeah, I hope you bring it on.
Update 2:
As I stated, the puppet of Satan has indeed come back and posted another (6-Part "comment," which in reality is nothing but a RANT.
Tori Anne Rouse, the Psychopath Stalker did exactly as I predicted. She not only didn't fail to deliver, but she delivered in spades with her 6-part RANT.
To see that Rant, just go the "comments" section of my post, dated 09/04/20).
Toxic Tori (Yes, I, too, call you Toxic Tori as others do, because that's exactly what you are),
Now the entire world can see everything posted about you, every complaint, every negative report, is all absolutely factual.
In the "comments" section of every single post on every single site, all over the internet, you post some FALSE comment (RANT) about an individual by the name of Teresa and you falsely allege that she made the post.
She was not involved.
You even have gone so far as to Falsely allege her name on posts about other people here on this site. Yes, Toxic Tori, I do my research as thoroughly as you stalk Teresa.
And guess what, idiot, Tori Rouse?
I contacted her.
I've also contacted some people who have had the displeasure of knowing you personally (Just to be fair, so that you don't later claim that Teresa has never met you, so this "isn't fair, waahh, waahh, waahhh." Teresa hasn't. But there are some who have & I've been in contact with them.
Tori, why is it so difficult for you to accept that people not only do not like you, but they despise you? Nevermind. The answer is obvious (You're a toxic narcissist & a malignant psychopath. Your sense of reality does not exist).
So I contacted Teresa.
You claim she stabbed a woman in the eye in prison.
Yes, she did.
So...? She was forced to defend herself in a fight.
But a shit-head loser like you is trying to make it seem as if she did that arbitrarily.
Were you there in prison with her, Tori? NO, you weren't.
Have you spoken with prison officials?
Have you spoken with the woman who she had to fight?
NO & NO again.
You claim she stabbed a man. You claim she had solicitation to murder.
Were you ever there with her to know her circumstances?
NO, you weren't.
You will never know her circumstances.
She did so in order to defend herself.
Do you know the circumstances of her case & why she was sent to prison?
NO, you don't.
You just post FALSE, misleading allegations from the hole in your ass that's called a fart hole in your deluded brain, Tori. And you DESPERATELY hope that it'll stick.
However, NOTHING you ever allege, and Falsely so, will ever stick.
By the way, she was sent to prison for that case, because she was very naive to the court system & blindly accepted a "plea deal" from the D.A., not having been told by her attorney, that she could take it to trial & actually win.
It was one of her mistakes.
People make many mistakes.
But then they learn.
(You, Tori, however, are among the most virulent psychopaths who will never learn from her deliberate mistakes.
You are hopeless, unlike Teresa).
Tori, you've never been & never will be remotely close enough to her to personally know her circumstances. So the fact that you cower behind your greasy keyboard to type in some lies about her & other inaccurate information, make you look even more stupid.
So you should stop talking out the side of your flabby ass, because it simply lets the world know, more & more, just how right & accurate all of the negative posts about you are.
You also claim she has a trust fund.
Not that it's any of your business, but she has no trust fund.
She does have a success & talent. She does have savvy. She has drive, ambition, determination.
She also has people who love her.
But because YOU have NO talent, NO success, nothing marketable, no one who gives a crapp about you, so you desperately want to think that other don't either.
But what you want to think vs. what's reality are 2 extremely different things.
So you're wrong, AGAIN.
You, on the other hand, HAD a dad.
And you drove him to suicide.
Talk about a trust fund...Well YOU'LL never have one.
So, when you spend obscene amounts of hours obsessively stalking Teresa (Yeah, so the posts about your husband neglecting you AND you neglecting your cat, must be absolutely correct, as well), try to get accurate info.
Your stalking thus far has resulted in you looking more stupid than ever.
YOU lack: Self-respect, self love, dignity, class, couth, honesty.
You've nothing positive about your pathetic self.
Toxic Tori, get in touch with reality.
Life is really starting to wear on you & you're starting to fall apart in various ways.

I know you're a sadistic sociopath.
But you must be masochist, too.
After all, after so many years of the endless back & forth with so many people, you still won't give up.
Yes, it takes a toll on your life, because potential employers & any other people who read the unlimited horrible posts about you will never want to get involved.
But if you want to think (delude your sorry self into thinking) otherwise, then go ahead.
But reality dictates that there are too many other well-adjusted people in this world with less or even zero posts and complaints about them and those are the ones that employers will give the opportunities to-NOT to a child predator, raging narcissistic psychopath, criminal like you.

And you still have NOT provided a shred of evidence for any of your allegations.

Tori Rouse, with all of your repeated rants online, you prove, again, that everything posted about you is 100% true.
Tori Anne Rouse: Here lays Tori Rouse:
She was a coward, a Liar, A keyboard warrior, a LOSER.
May she never rest in peace.
Tori Anne Davis aka Tori Davis:
Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Anne Davis aka Tori's Stories
Currently residing in Wichita, Kansas.
BEWARE of this weird, violent, unstable woman:
Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori's Stories.
Also known as:
Tori Davis
Tori Anne Davis
Tori Rouse
Tori Rouse is:
SCAM Artist, Criminal, Child Pornographer.
She resides
Her co-dependent, coward husband:
Trey Davis.

Additional Updated information about this financial scammer, Tori Anne Rouse:
Tori Anne Rouse Trey Davis
Rental SCAMMERS, Loan SCAMMERS, Thieves
Wichita, Kansas
Beware of Tori Anne Davis aka Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Rouse and Trey Davis.
They are a married couple, currently residing in Wichita, Kansas.
Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Anne Davis and Trey Davis have rented several apartments in Fort Worth and then in Kansas and they DESTROYED all of the apartments, upon receiving eviction warnings.
Tori Rouse is a diagnosed Sociopath. Trey Davis is a codependent.
Whatever Tori Anne Rouse orders poor Trey Davis to do, he does, including having helped her vandalize, tear up, destroy several rentals.
Then, upon finally vacating the each premises, they failed to pay the several months of overdue rent.
They both have also defaulted on several loans.
Be very aware that Roti Anne Rouse, due to being a pathological liar and Sociopath disordered personality, will LIE & Falsely deny these 100% factual statements. However, also be aware that Tori Anne Rouse, due to being an avid scammer and tech savvy individual, who is devoid of a conscience, knows how to and has hacked many systems in order to hide her (Criminal and) Default and Eviction record and life of Fraud and Crime.
She also has Youtube and other social media accounts for which she has created thousands of FAKE accounts and FAKE "followers, " in order to convince (Trick) prospective landlords, loan agents, employers that she's an upstanding" citizen.
However, the facts are horribly FAR from & the opposite of what she Fakes & Falsely portrays.
Her life of crime includes Child Sex Trafficking & a host of other heinous crimes.
(The fact that she ever had a job working with children attests to the fact that she hacked the system to hide her record & manipulated the person who made the grave mistake of hiring her).
All who have ever made the mistake of having hired her, rented to her, loaned to her, have been stalked, slandered, defamed by this woman.
Do not be swayed by any False "comment" that she might come here (And elsewhere on other sites) to post to Falsely deny these charges.
She's in the habit of refusing to take any personal accountability, so she Falsely blames others for the Factual posts (Complaints) about her all over the internet.
Tori Anne Rouse is extremely dishonest, manipulative, unstable, and in denial.
She's unpredictable & violent.
Among her Sociopath specialties is the ability to manipulate, talk a big phony talk, garner sympathy from people to make them feel sorry for her, so that she can obtain whatever she wants during her defrauding sprees.
Be CAUTIOUS. Do not deal with these individuals under any circumstances, for to do so is asking for & in fact receiving endless trouble.

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